Women in Comics is Ready for Summer!

Women in Comics (affectionately known as WinC), our mother organization, is at it again! When the weather heated up, so did Women in Comics! This spring WinC announced it’s new logo, signifying a new thrust and direction for the org. No, WinC is not moving away from any of its previous work or endeavors, but was ramping up to expand and do so much more for its members!

Along with the launch of the new Logo, WinC announced it’s new convention! WinC Creative Conference (WCC) is not your everyday comic con. WCC is aimed at active and aspiring creatives and professionals in the comics and creative space, designed to meet those very specific needs This conference will be virtual learning and networking at it’s best! Tickets are free for members and only $3 – $6 for non-members.

The most exciting thing to come out of WinC this season is the launch of it’s first ever literary publication, WinC Magazine. Its inaugural issue Dear Summer, just launched this month. Women in Comics has been around for a long time, working to create visibility and opportunities for women in the comics and creative spheres. Launching WinC Magazine is the next phase in this effort. WinC Mag gives members and non-members alike the chance to showcase their work and talent, getting themselves out there and increasing their opportunities. One of the best parts is that WinC Magazine pays those accepted and does not require any submission fees.

The summer issue of WinC Mag is a beautiful, eclectic collection of comics, micro-fiction, and poetry about the season of the sun sign. The mix of genre’s and medium gives the magazine a fresh feel and makes it a really fun read. The new inaugural summer issue can be picked up here. If you are a creator interested in submitting, the magazine is already taking submissions for their fall issue here! Check out what WinC has in store. It definitely looks like the makings of a hot girl summer over at Women in Comics!

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